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2006-Oct-31: Heather Banned from the Albert Hall

Don't look for Heather Mills at the premiere of Sir Paul's Ecce Cor Meum at London’s Royal Albert Hall on Friday. Sir Paul has instructed his security team to keep her away from the event. According to source quoted in Britain’s Daily Express newspaper:

“He suspects she could try to hijack the night by turning up and acting as if she’s supporting him and this couldn’t be further from the truth. Paul has told his security team in no uncertain terms, ‘Keep that woman out.’ He wants everything to go smoothly. His work has been a great comfort through this tough divorce battle but he fears Heather is willing to rubbish and ridicule him at every opportunity.”

Further, Sir Paul wants to prevent a confrontation between Heather and his daughter Stella. It has been widely reported that Stella became enraged after learning that Heather accused her father of being physically abusive towards her mother, Linda.

(kindly submitted by PLUGGED correspondent Joan M. Hopkins)


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