Get Back

by Doug Sulpy and Ray Schweighardt

Get Back

Doug Sulpy publishes the Beatles magazine The 910; he has written for Goldmine and Musician

Ray Schweighardt published the Beatles newsletter How Do You Do It? He writes for The 910 and other venues.

Since 1970, people have argued over why the Beatles broke up. Now, for the first time, we know.

Autoritative, illuminating, and thoroughly engrossing, Get Back is already winning praise as a unique window into the interaction - and diissolution - of the world's greatest rock and roll band. Beatiefan magazine hailed it, along with the books of Mark Lewisohn, as "the most valuable Beatles volume put out in recent years."

Here, for the first time, Beatles experts Sulpy and Schweighardt trace the group's breakdown through the fascinating prism of the Get Back recording sessions. January 2, 1969: The Beatles begin a month of intensive sessions, designed to capture the musicians 'as nature
intended." Playing raw, live, with no studio tricks or gimmicks, the Beatles were consciously rejecting the high-gloss production style of their recent albums in favor of a return to their earlier stripped-down rock and roll sound. But Beatles Unplugged soon became Beatles Undone, and the project turned into the thirty-day saga of a group in freefall. Bickering and sniping, trudging through sloppy versions of old hits, the Fab Four were coming apart.


For twenty-five years, tapes from the ill-fated Get Back sessions - only a fraction of which were released as Let It Be - have circulated among collectors. Sulpy and Schweighardt, for the first time, have undertaken a Herculean task: Sifting through those countless hours on tape, they reconstruct in amazing detail the drama of those sessions - the songs, jokes, outbursts, and fights. et Back puts the reader in the studio as John cedes power to Yoko, Paul scrambles to keep things afloat, and George quits the band. It traces each step in the band's unique creative process. And, finally, it relives the glorious coda - when, for an impromptu rooftop concert, all four left their differences downstairs and mustered the singular Beatles magic.
The first book to offer a definitive, minute-by-minute chronicle of the vents of that much-discussed month, Get Back is an indeispensavle addition to every serious Beatle fan's library. Yes it is much more than a simple collection of information: Doug Sulpy and Roy Schweigharrdt have given us a singularly candid look at these four collaborators in their greatest moment of crisis. There has never been a book on any musical group more intimate, thorough, or revealing.
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