Oobu Joobu Jingles
Paul really did a nice job with this one - More than a dozen
totally different versions and arrangements of the Oobu Joobu
Theme Melody - you can feel the effort Paul put into it - and the
fun he must have had with this one!
an excerpt of what I'd call the "Main" Oobu Joobu Jingle as a WAV file
(Microsoft ADPCM 4:1 compression - be sure to have a
recent version of Video for Windows installed so that the
Media Player can handle it correctly!)
Layer II Audio, 54KB, 0:09 playing time, Bitrate 48Kbit
And now ... o oo oo o oo o oo Oobu
Layer II Audio, 65KB, 0:11 playing time, Bitrate 48Kbit
Some folks say Oobu, some folks say
Joobu, but I say Oobu Joobu mama! (The one with the
strange slide :-) )
Layer II Audio, 48KB, 0:08 playing time, Bitrate 48Kbit
This one ... Oobu Joobu .... ra ra
ra radio ... Sit down and pull up the chair!
Layer II Audio, 126KB, 0:21 playing time, Bitrate 48Kbit
Oobu Joobu Rap with children intro
Layer II Audio, 33KB, 0:06 playing time, Bitrate 48Kbit
Oobu Joobu multiple harmonies Jingle
[How To Get Oobu Joobu] [Oobu Joobu Overview] [MPEG Layer II Help]