Maccatext News Part 1


All translations are © 1995 Harald Gernhardt. Any commercial use of either the translations or the original news is strictly prohibited. No other use of this material without my written permission

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 120    120 VIVA TEXT    30.09. 11:01:12
            Frohes Fest für Paul        
            Pop-Ikone Paul McCartney    
           kann an Weihnachten über     
           seine Top-Plazierung für     
           die Britischen Single-       
           Charts zufrieden sein.       
            Sein Beitrag auf der Bosni- 
           en Benefizplatte, an dem u.  
           a. Paul Weller mitgewirkte,  
           wird Anfang Dezember ausge-  
           koppelt, während die erste   
           Singelauskopplung - Radio-   
           heads Lucky - im Oktober     

Translation: Merry Christmas for Paul
     Pop icon Paul McCartney can be satisfied with
     his top placement for the British single charts.
      His contribution for the Bosnia charity album,
     - also Paul Weller and others contributed to it -
     will be released in December whereas the first
     single - Radiohead's Lucky - will be issued in

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 118.2  300 SAT.1 TEXT   26.09. 20:15:48
    Linda McCartney, die Frau von Ex-   
   Beatle Paul, will eine Million ihrer 
   vegetarischen Burger für Bosnien     
   spenden. In der Zeichentrickserie    
   "Die Simpsons" machen gleich beide   
   mit. Thema der Sendung: Wenn Kinder  
   Vegetarier werden wollen...          

    Linda McCartney, the wife of Ex-Beatle
    Paul, will donate one million of her
    veggie burgers for Bosnia. In the 
    cartoon series "The Simpsons" even both
    make their contribution. It's about 
    children wanting to become vegetarians. 

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 135    135 RTL-Text  Di 26 Sep 20:13:30
   A k t u e l l                    1/1 
 Linda McCartney stiftete Bio-Burger    
   Linda McCartney, die Frau von Ex-    
   Beatle Paul McCartney, hat eine Mil- 
   lion vegetarische Hamburger für      
   Kriegsopfer in Bosnien gestiftet.    
   Das Paar mietete allein drei Lastwa- 
   gen an, um die Rohmasse für die Brät-
   linge nach Bosnien zu bringen.       
   Außerdem hatte sich Paul McCartney   
   an einem Album beteiligt, dessen     
   Verkaufserlös den Kindern in Bosnien-
   Herzegowina zugute kommen soll.      

   Linda McCartney, the wife of Ex-Beatle Paul
   McCartney, has donated one million vegetarian
   hamburgers for victims of the war in Bosnia.
   The couple rented three trucks to bring the
   ingredients for the burgers into Bosnia.                                        
   Paul McCartney has contributed to an album as well,
   its proceeds will be given to the children in
   Bosnia Herzegowina.

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 122    122 VIVA TEXT    26.09. 19:59:06
            McCartneys und Simpsons     
            Paul und Linda McCartney    
           werden demnächst als Car-    
           toons die Kleine der Simp-   
           son-Familie, Lisa Simpson,   
            Das berühmte Pop-Ehepaar    
           hat ihr O.K. gegeben, bei    
           einer Folge der verrückten   
           Familie mitzuwirken. Linda   
           und Paul sind nämlich Simp-  
            In der Folge wird Lisa zum  
           Vegetarier, verkracht sich   
           mit ihrer Familie und läuft  
           von Zuhause weg. Da trifft   
           sie Paul und Linda, zwei     
           überzeugte Vegetarier, die   
           ihr bei diesem Problem hel-  

     Paul and Linda McCartney will soon save
     Lisa Simpson as cartoon characters.
     The famous pop couple has given their o.k.
     to take part in one episode of the mad family.
     Linda and Paul both are Simpson fans.
     In this episode, Lisa becomes a vegetarian,
     falls out with her family and runs away from
     home. Then she meets Paul and Linda, two
     convinced vegetarians who help her with this

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 140.4  343 MTVText Tu SEP 26  ?19:55:39
               NEWS AT NIGHT            
               Tue 26 Sep 1700 2300     
               LINDA'S BURGER AID       
          Paul McCartney's wife Linda,  
       is sending one million vegetarian
 burgers to Sarajevo to help feed the   
 starving families of war torn Bosnia.  
 Linda says the idea came to her after  
 her husband's involvement in the       
 Warchild Charity album, 'Help'.        

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 150.3  150 MTVText Tu SEP 26  ?19:50:44
                  BOSNIA BURGERS        
                  ------------------ 3/7
 Linda and Paul McCartney are to send   
 one million veggie burgers to Bosnian  
 war victims and promote their lifestyle
 in "The Simpsons" cartoons.            
 Linda McCartney, who producers her own 
 line of vegetarian meals, was inspired 
 to help in Bosnia after her former     
 Beatle husband joined in a charity     
 album to help child victims of the war.
 Twenty-two tonnes of dried veggie mix  
 are now being prepared for shipment to 
 Bosnia within two weeks.               
 The couple are also to appear in       
 cartoon form in "The Simpsons" to      
 promote their meat-free lifestyle.     

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 115    115 VIVA TEXT    16.09. 23:10:58
            Paules Tür für 3875 Pfund   
            So ein richtiger Knaller    
           war - wie berichtet - die    
           Pop-Versteigerung des Londo- 
           ner Auktionshauses Sothe-    
           by's ja nicht. Aber dennoch  
           gingen natürlich einige An-  
           gebote für verblüffende      
           Preise weg.                  
            Wie beispielsweise 'ne wei- 
           ßße Schlafzimmertür von Paul  
           McCartneys Teenager-Wohnung. 
           Der kleine Paule soll, so    
           hieß es, da früher sogar mal 
           Texte draufgekritzelt haben. 
           Aber - zu sehen ist nichts   
           mehr. Dennoch brachte das    
           Stück eine Summe von 3875    
           Pfund. Fans...               
    The pop auction at Sotheby's wasn't this good.
    But of course some offers were sold for amazing
    For example the white bedroom door of Paul
    McCartney's teenager flat. Little Paul was reported
    to even having had written some lyrics onto it in former times.
    But - they cannot be seen any more. Anyway, this
    piece was auctioned for the amount of 3875 Pounds
    Sterling. Fans ...

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 150.6  558 MTVText Th SEP 14  ?23:47:30
                  HELP ALBUM TOPS $3m   
                  ------------------ 6/7
 An instant album recorded by British   
 pop stars has raised $3.10 million in  
 just four days for child victims of the
 Bosnian war.                           
 The album, Help, rocketed to the top of
 Britain's charts last Sunday, a day    
 after it was released and just six days
 after it was recorded.                 
 Former Beatle Paul McCartney joined    
 forces with younger artists and groups,
 including Oasis and Suede, to record   
 the album in studios in Britain, France
 and Spain on September 4.              

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 117    117 VIVA TEXT    06.09. 12:22:34
            Paul & Paul kamen zusammen  
            Paule hilft Paul. McCart-   
           ney war mal wieder in den    
           legendären "Abbey Road Stu-  
           dios" - um den Kollegen Wel- 
           ler bei der Einspielung des  
           Beatles-Klassikers "Come To- 
           gether" zu unterstützen.     
           Der Song kommt auf die Bos-  
           nienhilfe-CD "Help" (by the  
           way: gab's da nicht 'ne an-  
           dere Fab-Four-Nummer?), die  
           am Samstag in die Läden      
           kommen soll.                 
            "Ich würde noch ganz ande-  
           re Dinge für so eine wichti- 
           ge Sache machen, wenn alle   
           Beteiligten Zeit haben",     
           sagt Cartney.                

  Paulie helps Paul. McCartney was at the
  legendary "Abbey Road Studios" once again -
  to help his colleague Weller with the recording
  of the Beatles classic "Come Together".
  The song will be part of the Bosnia charity CD
  "Help" (by the way: wasn't there another Fab Four
  number?), which will be in the shops on Saturday.
  "I'd even do other things for such an emportant 
  event if all participants find time" says Cartney.

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 140.2  140 MTVText We SEP 6tht?12:09:39
               NEWS AT NIGHT            
               Tue 5 Sep 1700 2300      
               NEW WORLD RECORD RECORD  
          A world record record was     
        created on Monday, as artists   
 in studios across Europe recorded an   
 album in just 24 hours.                
 Entitled "Help", all proceeds from the 
 album will go to War Child, the        
 charity set up to alleviate trauma for 
 the children of the former Yugoslavia. 
 The record will be in the shops by the 
 weekend in the UK, and in Europe by the
 beginning of next week.   Continued >>>
          Continued... The project is   
        based on something John Lennon  
 said when he was recording "Instant    
 Karma" - that good pop music should be 
 recorded on a Monday and be in the     
 shops by Saturday - even if it made    
 people panic.                          
 You can see more of the recording of   
 "Help" on Wednesday's edition of News  
 at Night as we bring you location      
 reports from six studios in London     
 featuring the Stereo MC's, Suede and   
 Radiohead - amongst others.            

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 150.2  290 MTVText We SEP 6tht?11:59:37
                  BOSNIA ALBUM          
                  ------------------ 2/7
 Former Beatle Paul McCartney has       
 returned to London's Abbey Road Studio 
 to play on a charity version of the Fab
 Four's song Come Together.             
 The Beatles originally recorded the    
 track which appears on their album     
 Abbey Road at the studio in 1969.      
 McCartney was giving his personal      
 blessing to Paul Weller's cover of the 
 song for the Bosnia charity LP, Help.  
 An album on the GO! Discs label        
 featuring all the tracks recorded will 
 be in the shops in Britain this        

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 118.2  118 SAT.1 TEXT   06.09. 11:53:56
    Paul McCartney wirkte ganz im Stil- 
   len mit - unerwartet und ohne Bally- 
   hoo! Paul musizierte eifrig mit bei  
   dem "Help"-Album für die Bosnien-    
  Paul McCartney contributed quietly - unexpected
  and without Ballyhoo! Paul played music on the
  "Help" album for the Bosnia child charity.

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 113    113 VIVA TEXT    04.09. 23:16:26
            Macca redet nicht mit Jacko 
            Michael Jackson sucht sich  
           die Leute sehr genau aus,    
           mit denen er spricht. Aber   
           es geht auch andersherum.    
           Jacko will seit langem mit   
           Paul McCartney reden, aber   
           der sagt "no!"               
            Hintergrund: Der Ex-Beatle  
           ist stinkesauer, daß der Be- 
           handschuhte den Fab-Four-    
           Klassiker "Revolution" für   
           ein Nike-Commercial zur Ver- 
           fügung stellte.              
            Michael will Paul nun per-  
           sönlich erzählen, daß er     
           nicht - wie Gerüchte behaup- 
           ten - auch "Yesterday" für   
           Werbezwecke vertickt hat.    
   Michael Jackson carefully choses the people
   with whom he speaks. But there's also the other
   way round. Jack does want to talk to Paul McCartney
   for a long time now but the latter says "no!"
   Background: The ex-Beatles is very annoyed that the
   glove wearer put the fab four classic "Revolution" at
   Nike's disposal for a commercial.
   Michael now tries to tell Paul personally that he has
   not - as rumors report - sold "Yestersay" for use in

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 174.2  674 SAT.1 TEXT   19.08. 23:42:23
    McCartney ehrt Buddy Holly          
    Paul McCartney gibt ein Geburts-    
   tags-Konzert für Buddy Holly in Lon- 
   don. Der Ur-Vater des Rock'n'Roll    
   wäre am 7.9. 59 Jahre alt geworden.  
   An diesem Tag und am 8.9. steigt die 
   Rock-Party. Mit dabei: Eric Clapton, 
   Carl Perkins und "The Crickets" (Ex- 
   Band von Holly). Buddy hat die Beat- 
   les beeinflußt:"Er brauchte nur drei 
   Akkorde. Wir kannten auch nur vier", 
   so McCartney.     
  Paul McCartney is giving a birthday concert
  for Buddy Holly in London. The Grandfather of
  Rock'n'Roll would have been 59 years old on 7
  September. On this day and the 8th the rock party
  takes place. Also performing: Eric Clapton,
  Carl Perkins and "The Crickets" (Holly's ex-band).
  Buddy has influenced the Beatles: "He needed only
  3 chords. We only knew 4" according to McCartney.

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 118.1  520 SAT.1 TEXT   19.08. 23:41:29
    Paul McCartney blätterte 40 000 DM  
   für eine Lederhose hin. Er wollte    
   vermeiden, daß Ex-Manager Williams   
   sie versteigert. Der behauptet: Die  
   hat Paul früher mal getragen...      

  Paul McCartney paid 40,000DM for a pair of
  leather trousers. He didn't want ex-manager
  Williams to set it on auction. The latter
  claimed that it had been worn by Paul in the past.                                          

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174.2  174 SAT.1 TEXT   14.08. 16:01:14
    Paul McCartney enthüllt: Sein Beat- 
   les-Hit "Yesterday" ist keine Reve-  
   renz an eine verflossene Liebe, son- 
   dern an seine Mutter,die 1956 starb, 
   als er 14 Jahre alt war. 2500 Versi- 
   onen gibt's davon.   

  Paul McCartney reveals: His Beatles hit
  "Yesterday" is not his esteem to a lost love
  but to his mother who died in 1956 when he
  was 14 years old. 2500 cover versions exist.

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 174.2  174 SAT.1 TEXT   07.08. 10:47:12
    Gemeinsame gegen die Atombombe      
    Yoko Ono und Paul McCartney haben   
   ihren jahrzehntelangen Streit begra- 
   ben: Zum 50.Jahrestag der Atombombe  
   über Hiroshima nahmen sie gemeinsam  
   ein Lied auf, das Yoko One geschrie- 
   ben hat: "Hiroshimas Himmel ist im-  
   mer blau". Das Anti-Kriegs-Lied wur- 
   de heimlich in England produziert.   
   Auch ihre Kinder und Pauls Frau Lin- 
   da wirkten bei der Aufnahme mit.     

   Yoko Ono and Paul McCartney have finished
   their dispute that lasted for decades:
   At the 50th anniversary of the nuclear 
   bomb at Hiroshima, they recorded a song 
   together that has been written by Yoko
   Ono: "Hiroshima Sky Is Always Blue".
   The anti-war song was produced secretly
   in England. Also their Kids and Pauls wife
   Linda participated in the recordings.

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I0 152  456 MTVText  Tue 13 Jun 14:35:35
                  DAUGHTER STEALS SHOW  
 All but one of the students graduating 
 from the Central St Martin's School of 
 Art in London, England, on Monday had  
 to rely upon the usual mixture of      
 aspiring models and students to wear   
 their clothes in the final degree show.
 Stella McCartney was the exception,    
 the daughter of Paul and Linda         
 McCartney called upon the services of  
 supermodels Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss  
 and Yasmin Le Bon. Former Beatle Paul  
 and wife Linda were also present to    
 cheer their daughter on.               

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I0 155  396 MTVText   Tue 6 Jun 10:38:53
                  LOCAL HOSPITAL SAVED  
 Paul McCartney's efforts to save his   
 local British National Health Service  
 hospital from closure have won through.
 The former Beatle led a $7.5 million   
 fund raising operation to reopen his   
 local hospital by donating $1.5        
 million himself.                       
 He was furious when health chiefs      
 closed the 15 bed Rye Memorial Hospital
 near his home in Sussex. He vowed to   
 replace it after a teenage asthma      
 sufferer died on his way to a hospital 
 13 miles away in Hastings. Next month a
 new complex opens with 15 beds, out-   
 patients wing, and more.               

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I0 153  266 MTVText  Sun 28 May 22:44:03
                  McCARTNEY RADIO SHOW  
 Paul McCartney is to reveal his        
 greatest secret - a wacky radio show he
 has been recording for the past 20     
 years, which will be broadcast for the 
 first time across America on May 29.   
 The show - entitled Oobu Joobu -       
 features the former Beatle playing DJ  
 to a selection of his own studio demos,
 unreleased tracks and jams with stars  
 such as Stevie Wonder and Carl Perkins.
 Highlights include McCartney           
 pretending to be Bugs Bunny singing    
 Yesterday and a version of Hey Jude    
 performed in the style of a cockney    
 barrow boy!                            

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I0 153  199 MTVText  Fri 12 May 09:19:03
                  McCARTNEYS ON SIMPSONS
 Paul and Linda McCartney will receive a
 massive plug their range of vegetarian 
 food from the world's top TV cartoon - 
 The Simpsons.                          
 The former Beatle and his wife have    
 recorded their voices for a special    
 episode of The Simpsons where they     
 convert environmentally-sound daughter 
 Lisa Simpson to vegetarianism.         
 Simpsons' producer David Mirkin flew to
 London to get the McCartneys on tape   
 for the special episode of the animated

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I0 118  548 SAT.1 TEXT   05.05. 10:14:10
    Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney in großer  
   Sorge: Sein Sohn James (17) wurde    
   bei einem Autounfall schwer ver-     
   letzt und per Hubschrauber in eine   
   Klinik gebracht. Vater Paul eilte    
   gleich ans Krankenbett.              

   Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney in great worry:
   His son James (17) has become seriously
   injured at a car accident and was transported
   into hospital by a helicopter. Father Paul
   immediately hurried to the sick-bed.                                      

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I0 154  203 MTVText  Mon 17 Apr 19:23:55
                  McCARTNEY'S TROUSERS  
 Paul McCartney has been embroiled in a 
 10-year court battle over a pair of old
 trousers. The former Beatle was looking
 through a catalogue from auctioneers   
 Sothebys a decade ago when he noticed a
 pair of "Paul McCartney's old leather  
 jeans" were up for sale.               
 McCartney rang the auction house to say
 the jeans weren't his - and even went  
 to try them on and found they were six 
 inches too short. He discovered they   
 were being sold by Alan Williams who   
 looked after the Fab Four for a short  
 period. Both men sued each other but   
 earlier this month the actions were    
 dismissed by a judge.         

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I0 153  686 MTVText   Tue 4 Apr 19:40:42
                  McCARTNEY TO TEACH    
 Paul McCartney plans to teach song-    
 writing at his new Fame School in      
 Liverpool, England.                    
 But McCartney says, "I won't be running
 the school. I'm not a teacher and I am 
 busy. I will probably take the         
 occasional class in songwriting. I     
 don't know how to write songs in that I
 don't believe there is an accepted     
 process. I'm more interested in        
 learning from the students how it is   
 they would go about writing songs."    
 McCartney is launching the $30 million 
 project in the renovated school that he
 and George Harrison once attended.     

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I0 184  500 ARD/ZDF Mo 27.03.95 11:41:23
 Yoko Ono und Paul McCartney haben nach 
 Informationen der "Sunday Times" nach  
 fast drei Jahrzehnten ihren Streit um  
 das Auseinanderbrechen der "Beatles"   
 mit einer gemeinsamen Aufnahme beendet.
 Die Witwe von John Lennon, ihr Sohn    
 Sean, Paul McCartney, seine Frau Linda,
 ihre drei Töchter und ihr Sohn nahmen  
 dabei Onos Hiroshima-Gedenkstück "Hiro-
 shima Sky is Always Blue" auf.         
 Ono habe die Aufnahme zur beliebigen   
 Verwendung erhalten.Sie soll dafür Mc- 
 Cartney unvollendete Stücke Lennons mit
 der Zusage versprochen haben, daü er   
 daraus neue Beatles-Songs machen könne.

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I0 174  245 SAT.1 TEXT   26.03. 17:48:12
    McCartney + Ono schließen Frieden   
    Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden. Yoko    
   Ono, Witwe von John Lennon, und Paul 
   McCartney haben ihren jahrzehntelan- 
   gen Streit beendet. Wie eine Londo-  
   ner Zeitung berichtet, verbrachte    
   Yoko Ono ein ganzes Wochenende bei   
   der Familie McCartney. Im Studio des 
   Ex-Beatles haben sie ein Stück Onos  
   ("Hirsohima Sky Is Always Blue") auf-
   genommen. Außerdem bekommt Paul Mc-  
   Cartney einige unvollendete Lennon-  
   Lieder überlassen.                   
    Nach der Heirat von Lennon und Ono  
   1969 waren die Beatles auseinanderge-
   brochen - nicht zuletzt wegen des    
   Streits Ono-McCartney.  

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I0 154  467 MTVText  Tue 14 Mar 16:17:34
                  McCARTNEY'S FAVOURITE 
 Paul McCartney has revealed the words  
 he first wrote on setting out to pen   
 his classic Beatles Song Yesterday in  
 1965 - "Scrambled eggs, oh my baby how 
 I loved your legs."                    
 But McCartney says he's glad he changed
 the lyrics because the song, which has 
 been played on the radio more than any 
 in history, remains his favourite Fab  
 Four track.                            
 He adds, "I like Here, There and       
 Everywhere, Hey Jude, Fool On The Hill 
 and Let It Be. But Yesterday is such an
 obvious favourite because it's the     
 biggest song ever."                    

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I0 156  127 MTVText  Mon 20 Feb 18:16:47
                  BOYZ II MEN GIFT      
 Boyz II Men have sent a food hamper and
 jellybeans to their favourite Beatle,  
 Paul McCartney, and his wife Linda.    
 McCartney was so pleased with the      
 quartet's rendition of his song        
 Yesterday he sent them a congratulatory
 note ` and Linda sent them some of her 
 famous veggie burgers. And Boyz II Men 
 have sent a hamper of vegetarian food  
 from Harrods store in London to Linda, 
 and a giant dispenser of jellybeans to 
 Paul. The group's manager says, "The   
 jellybeans are what the girls used to  
 throw at the Beatles. The guys thought 
 it would make Paul smile."             

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I0 174  517 SAT.1 TEXT   26.01. 20:52:30
    "Ernährungs-Faschist" McCartney     
   Alt-Beatle Paul McCartney bekommt   
   es mit dem mächtigen britischen      
   Fleischverband zu tun. Dessen Vor-   
   sitzender hat dem Popstar "Ernäh-    
   rungs-Faschismus von der übelsten    
   Sorte" vorgeworfen. Grund: In McCart-
   neys "Institute for Performing Art"  
   in Liverpool soll ausschließlich     
   Vegetarisches auf den Tisch kommen.  
    Pauls Ehefrau Linda ist die erfolg- 
   reichste Herstellerin von fleisch-   
   loser Fertigkost auf dem britischen  
   Markt. Ob sie die Instituts-Kantine  
   beliefern wird, bleibt aber unklar - 
   das letzte Vegetarier-Wort ist noch  
   nicht gesprochen...   David Cole >>  

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I0 156  556 MTVText  Wed 25 Jan 10:40:54
                  McCARTNEY'S FAVOURITES
 Former Beatle Paul McCartney has       
 revealed the albums before Sergeant    
 Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band were  
 the most enjoyable to work on.         
 McCartney reckons 1966's Revolver and  
 1965's Rubber Soul caught the band at  
 their creative peak.                   
 He says, "It was still early days and  
 we were coming good as an album band,  
 so they felt very fresh. On the other  
 hand, The White Album and Let It Be had
 to be the most difficult because the   
 group was starting to break up."       

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I0 203  654 MTVText  Wed 28 Dec 21:01:28

 * Paul McCartney has been named as     
 Britain's most genrous star. The former
 Beatle gave a staggering $1,710,000 to 
 charity last year. He was followed by  
 former WHAM! star George Michael with  

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I0 191  622 SAT.1 TEXT   16.11. 19:46:01
    Vorbereitung auf McCartney-Schule   
    Wichtige Termine für junge Musiker, 
   Techniker und Manager: In Workshops  
   können sie sich auf Paul McCartneys  
   Popschule in Liverpool vorbereiten:  
   * Die Musikhochschule Heidelberg     
   richtet am 3. und 4. Dez. den Work-  
   shop"Rock in Theorie und Praxis" aus.
   * Die Ludwigsburger Filmakademie ver-
   anstaltet am 17. und 18. Dez. ein Se-
   minar zu Musikvideos.                
   * Firma Grundig lehrt Bühnentechnik: 
   18.Nov. Stuttgart, 25.Nov. Karlsruhe 
   sowie am 9.Dez. in Bruchsal.         
    Damit im Jan.95 für die McCartney-  
   Schule bewerben. Beginnt Sept. 1995. 

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I0 153  265 MTVText   Wed 9 Nov 18:38:27
                  McCARTNEY & PERKINS   
                  `````````````````` 1/2
 Paul McCartney has recorded songs with 
 American rock 'n' roll legend Carl     
 Perkins for a TV special. The show,    
 which celebrates Perkins' 40th year as 
 a recording artist, will be broadcast  
 in America in January.                 
 Perkins says, "The two of us, on       
 electric guitars, have recorded 30     
 minutes of old songs of mine like      
 Matchbox, Your True Love and Blue Suede
 Shoes." Perkins also hopes to include  
 songs he wrote with McCartney on his   
 next album.                            

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I0 155  128 MTVText   Thu 3 Nov 18:27:38
                  McCARTNEY SYMPHONY    
                  `````````````````` 1/2
 Paul McCartney is writing a symphony to
 mark the 100th anniversary of his own  
 record company, EMI, which will be     
 performed at London's Royal Albert Hall
 The piece will be performed with a full
 orchestra in 1997 and is McCartney's   
 second venture into classical music. He
 wrote an oratorio in 1991 to celebrate 
 the 150th anniversary of the Royal     
 Liverpool Philharmonic Society, with   
 Carl Davis as conductor and New Zealand
 soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa and        
 Americans Jerry Hadley (tenor) and     
 Willard White (bass) singing the main  

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I0 118  511 SAT.1 TEXT   03.11. 18:20:28
                      SHOW TELEGRAMM    
   Ein Lkw, der auf nassem Laub nicht   
   mehr bremsen konnte, knallte auf den 
   Mercedes von Ex-Beatle Paul McCart-  
   ney. Totalschaden, aber verletzt     
   wurde niemand.                       

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I0 118  344 SAT.1 TEXT   08.10. 21:16:13
                      SHOW TELEGRAMM    
   Linda McCartney bricht eine Lanze    
   für Männer, die sich vegetarisch er- 
   nähren. Man nehme zum Beispiel die   
   Elefanten: Sie seien groß und stark, 
   fressen trotzdem nur Gras...         

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I0 152  454 MTVText  Tue 26 Jul 23:54:13
                  McCARTNEY PROTEST     
                  `````````````````` 1/2
 British rock star Paul McCartney has   
 sent back his razor, shaving cream and 
 other products to the Gillette Company 
 in protest at the manufacturer's use of
 animals in product testing.            
 In a letter to Gillette's chief        
 executive, Alfred Zeien, the former    
 Beatle said he was sending back all    
 Gillette products in his home and      
 demanded a refund, which he said he    
 would donate to animal rights group    
 People for the Ethical Treatment of    
 Animals, or PETA. McCartney and his    
 wife Linda are well`known animal rights
 activists in England.                  

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I0 191  294 SAT.1 TEXT   26.07. 19:33:59
    Tierschtzer Paul gegen Gillette    
    Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney hat sein   
   Rasierzeug an Gillette zurückge-     
   schickt. Der engagierte Tierschützer 
   will damit gegen Tierversuche beim   
   Test der Körperpflegemittel des Un-  
   ternehmens protestieren.             
    In einem Brief an Firmenchef Alfred 
   Zeien verlangt Paul sein Geld zurück,
   um es der Tierschutzorganisation     
   PETA zukommen zu lassen. Seinen Boy- 
   kott der Gillette-Produkte will er   
   erst beenden, wenn Gillette auf Tier-
   versuche verzichtet. Bei Englands    
   Jägern machte sich Paul durch seinen 
   Kampf gegen die Fuchsjagd unbeliebt. 

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I0 221  Supertext277 Sun 13 Feb 16:15:17
 &127 Paul McCartney and Phil Collins are  
 among the stars set to feature in a    
 one million GBP TV campaign in the UK  
 to fight drink driving.                
 The ad will use the Beatles' song Baby 
 You Can Drive My Car to encourage the  
 use of designated drivers - a chosen   
 driver who agrees not to drink so that 
 everyone else can.                     

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I0 194  560 SAT. -text Mo 29.11 20:18:46

   Paul McCartney ist wütend auf Mi-   
   achael Jackson, weil der einige Beat- 
   les-Songs für Werbespots verkauft    
   hat. Jacko gehören die Rechte für    
   die Hits seit 1985.                  

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I0 191  375 SAT.1-text Mo 11.10 17:14:34
                    Paul  McCartney     
    "Diverse"                 (EMI)     
    Nun hat die CD-Revolution also      
   auch das Frühwerk von Paul McCartney 
   erreicht. Seine Plattenfirma hat     
   16 Alben aus seiner Nach-Beatles-    
   Zeit auf die kleinen Silberlinge     
   pressen lassen, unter anderem        
   "Band On The Run", "McCartney" und   
   "Wild Life". Genaues Hineinhören     
   lohnt sich, denn die Qualität der    
   Alben ist sehr unterschiedlich. Sehr 
   zu empfehlen ist auf jeden Fall      
   "Band On The Run" mit Hits wie "Jet" 
   und "Mrs. Vanderbilt".               
    Fazit: Für die Fans von Paulchen    
           ein echtes Muß             

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I0 193  137 SAT.1-text Fr 24.09 16:19:31
    McCartney: Pop und Politik          
    Beim Stuttgarter Paul McCartney-Kon-
   zert kam es zu einer ungewöhnlichen  
   Begegnung von Pop und Politik. Der   
   Ex-Beatle traf sich mit der Kultur-  
   ministerin Brigitte Unger-Soyka (Bad.
   Würt.). Die Politikerin will den Pop-
   star für gemeinsame Ausbildungs-Pro- 
   jekte gewinnen.                      
    McCartney baut in Liverpool die Pop-
   Schule "Institute for Performing     
   Acts" auf. Baden-Baden ist als Depen-
   dence im Gespräch. In Liverpool wer- 
   den 650 Vollzeit- und 2000 Teilzeit- 
   studenten (ab 1995) unterrichtet -   
   u.a. von Tina Turner und Elton John. 

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I0 165  359 ARD/ZDF Mi 28.07.93 21:08:13
 +++ Paul McCartney hat sein Okay gege- 
 ben zu einem Film über seinen angebli- 
 chen Tod Ende der 60er Jahre. Hinter-  
 grund der Filmidee sind Gerüchte, die  
 damals kursierten, daß Paul sich angeb-
 lich das Leben genommen hätte. Drehbe- 
 ginn ist Anfang nächsten Jahres. +++   

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I0 121   MTVtext 190 Sun  7 Mar 10:51:00
         PAUL McCARTNEY SUNDAY          
  0  0      Sunday March 7              
 Paul McCartney is sending the world a  
 message of new hope for a better kind  
 of future with the release of Hope Of  
 Deliverance from his current album,    
 Off The Ground.                        
 The news isn't good and the economic   
 climate is bad, but Paul is promoting  
 optimism and his message with this     
 track is: "Let's get it together       
 ourselves, because if we won't, who    
 MTV's Paul McCartney Sunday will       
 feature videos, interviews and footage 
 and the following programmes...        

I0 121   MTVtext 380 Sun  7 Mar 10:51:18
            AN MTV SPECIAL              
       PAUL MCCARTNEY UP CLOSE          
   Sunday 7: 10.00-11.00/17.30-18.30 CET
 MTV presents the legendary Macca in an 
 exclusive intimate concert performance.
 The show was taped in December 1992 at 
 the Ed Sullivan Theatre in New York,   
 where the Beatles performed nearly     
 thirty years ago.                      
 McCartney and his touring band         
 members perform classics from the      
 Beatles and Wings years as well as     
 tracks from McCartney's Off The Ground 
 More about this MTV special next...    

I0 121   MTVtext 380 Sun  7 Mar 10:51:30
       PAUL MCCARTNEY UP CLOSE          
   Sunday 7: 10.00-11.00/17.30-18.30 CET
 Backed by wife Linda, Paul 'Wix'       
 Wickens (keyboards), Blair Cunningham  
 (drums) Robbie McIntosh (guitar) and   
 Hamish Stuart (bass), they perform     
 a mixture of material.                 
 Beatles' classics include Michelle,    
 Lady Madonna, Penny Lane and Sgt Pepper
 and a new version of Can't Buy Me Love.
 Macca also performs My Love th  classic
 single from his debut solo album,      
 McCartney. Tracks from the new album   
 include Get Out Of My Way, Biker Like  
 An Icon, Off The Ground and Hope Of    

I0 121   MTVtext 288 Sun  7 Mar 10:51:41
       Sunday 7: 14.30-15.00 CET        
 Over thirty years after The Beatles    
 took the world by storm, Paul McCartney
 remains a top musician in his own      
 This MTV rockumentary traces Macca's   
 career from his days with The Beatles  
 to his present day solo success.       
     PAUL MCCARTNEY SUNDAY: March 7     
 Paul McCartney will also be the focus  
 of the following VJ segments:          
   VJ Rebecca 08.00-10.00 CET           
 VJ Kristiane 16.00-1 .30 CET           

I0 121   MTVtext 171 Sun  7 Mar 10:51:50
      Sunday 7: 15.00-16.00 CET         
 Paul McCartney gets back to basics at  
 a secret North London location for an  
 acoustic concert spanning his career.  
 Numbers range from Beatles' classics   
 through Wings numbers to McCartney     
 solos - plus the first song he ever    
 wrote when he was a Liverpool schoolboy
 aged 14, I Lost My Little Girl.        
 The set also features a vintage medley 
 of rock 'n' roll numbers including     
 Blue Moon Of Kentucky, Every Night,    
 She's A Woman, Be-Bop-A-Lula and       
 Good Rockin' Tonite.                   


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I0 118  118 SAT.1-text So 31.01 14:51:05
   Paul McCartneys Song "Big boys       
   bickering" (Zankende große Jungen)   
   ist vom amerikanischen Musik-Fern-   
   sehsender MTV sowie drei Radiosta-   
   tionen auf die schwarze Liste ge-    
   setzt worden - "zu vulgär".          

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I0 168   MTVtext 168 Sat 27 Feb 21:55:43
   PAUL McCARTNEY - C'Mon People        
   Reviewed by Alex White               
 Macca s second single from his new     
 album Off The Ground is a change of    
 pace from the boppy Top 20 hit         
 Hope Of Deliverance.                   
 Weighing in at a ponderous 5 minutes   
 45 seconds, C'Mon People is a plodding 
 keyboard ballad with brass section     
 and occasional guitar licks.           
 Although in the same upbeat groove as  
 Hope Of Deliverance, Biker Like An Icon
 from the album would have been a much  
 better single.                         

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R0 149   MTVtext 149 Sat 27 Feb 22:00:20
     McCartneys' animal rights gesture  
 Paul and Linda McCartney have turned   
 down an advertisement in the programme 
 for Paul's forthcoming world tour from 
 US car maker General Motors because of 
 the company's animal rights record.    
 The decision to turn down the ad,      
 worth a five-figure sum in pounds, was 
 made when the McCartneys discovered    
 GM were using live animals as crash-   
 test 'dummies'.                        
 The space has instead been given away  
 free to animal rights organisation     
 P.E.T.A. - People for the Ethical      
 Treatment of Animals.              

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